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 Algorithm::Loops - ループの構成:NestedLoops, MapCar*, Filter, NextPermute*


use Algorithm::Loops qw(
   MapCar MapCarU MapCarE MapCarMin
   NextPermute NextPermuteNum

my @copy= Filter {tr/A-Z'.,"()/a-z/d} @list;
my $string= Filter {s/\s*$/ /} @lines;

my @transposed= MapCarU {[@_]} @matrix;

my @list= sort getList();
do {
   usePermutation( @list );
} while(  NextPermute( @list )  );

my $len= @ARGV ? $ARGV[0] : 3;
my @list= NestedLoops(
   [  ( [ 1..$len ] ) x $len  ],
      sub { "@_" },



 Algorithm::Loops は以下に列挙する関数を提供する。デフォルトではどの関数もユーザの名前空間にはエクスポートされない。これらの関数からどのモジュールを利用しているかを明示し、終了させるために Algorithm::Loops ステートメントを利用することで関数を列挙する必要がある。


 map と似ているが、s/// や他の再帰演算子とともに使用することが想定されている。リストの修正されたコピーを返す。

MapCar, MapCarU, MapCarE, and MapCarMin

 map と似ているが、同時に複数のリストに対してループ処理を行う。

NextPermute and NextPermuteNum



 任意の深さでネストした foreach ループを計算する。



 値のリストの修正されたコピーを生成する。s/// として利用することが理想である。 map(または grep)内部で s/// または tr/// として使うのであれば代わりに Filter を使うべきである。例えば、以下の通りである。

use Algorithm::Loops qw( Filter );

@copy = Filter { s/\\(.)/$1/g } @list;
$text = Filter { s/^\s+// } @lines;

The same process can be accomplished using a careful and more complex invocation of map, grep, or foreach. However, many incorrect ways to attempt this seem rather seductively appropriate so this function helps to discourage such (rather common) mistakes.


Filter has a prototype specification of (\&@). This means that it demands that the first argument that you pass to it be a CODE reference. After that you can pass a list of as many or as few values as you like. For each value in the passed-in list, a copy of the value is placed into $_ and then your CODE reference is called. Your subroutine is expected to modify $_ and this modified value is then placed into the list of values to be returned by Filter. If used in a scalar context, Filter returns a single string that is the result of:

$string= join "", @results;

Note that no arguments are passed to your subroutine (so don't bother with @_) and any value Ced by your subroutine is ignored. Filter's prototype also means that you can use the "map BLOCK"-like syntax by leaving off the sub keyword if you also leave off the comma after the block that defines your anonymous subroutine:

my @copy= Filter sub {s/\s/_/g}, @list;
  # becomes:            v^^^       v   ^
my @copy= Filter {s/\s/_/g} @list;

Most of our examples will use this shorter syntax. Note also that by importing Filter via the C statement:

use Algorithm::Loops qw( Filter );

it gets declared before the rest of our code is compiled so we don't have to use parentheses when calling it. We I if we want to, however:

my @copy= Filter( sub {s/\s/_/g}, @list );

"Function BLOCK LIST" バグに関するノート

Note that in at least some versions of Perl, support for the "Filter BLOCK ..." syntax is somewhat fragile. For example:

... Filter( {y/aeiou/UAEIO/} @list );


Array found where operator expected

which can be fixed by dropping the parentheses:

... Filter {y/aeiou/UAEIO/} @list;

So if you need or want to use parentheses when calling Filter, it is best to also include the sub keyword and the comma:

#         v <--------- These ---------> v
   ... Filter( sub {y/aeiou/UAEIO/}, @list );
# require   ^^^ <--- these ---> ^ (sometimes)

so your code will be portable to more versions of Perl.


Good code ignores "invisible" characters. So instead of just chomp()ing, consider removing all trailing whitespace:

my @lines= Filter { s/\s+$// } ;


my $line= Filter { s/\s+$// } scalar ;

[ Note that Filter can be used in a scalar context but always puts its arguments in a list context. So we need to use C or something similar if we want to read only one line at a time from C above. ] Want to sort strings that contain mixtures of letters and natural numbers (non-negative integers) both alphabetically and numerically at the same time? This simple way to do a "natural" sort is also one of the fastest. Great for sorting version numbers, file names, etc.:

my @sorted= Filter {
} sort Filter {
   s#(\d+)# sprintf "%02d%s", length($1), $1 #g
} @data;

[ Note that at least some versions of Perl have a bug that breaks C if you write sub { as part of building the list of items to be sorted but you don't provide a comparison routine. This bug means we can't write the previous code as:

my @sorted= Filter {
} sort Filter sub {
   s#(\d+)# sprintf "%02d%s", length($1), $1 #g
}, @data;

because it will produce the following error:

Undefined subroutine in sort

in some versions of Perl. Some versions of Perl may even require you to write it like this:

my @sorted= Filter {
} sort &Filter( sub {
   s#(\d+)# sprintf "%02d%s", length($1), $1 #g
}, @data );

Which is how I wrote it in ex/NaturalSort.plx. ] Need to sort names? Then you'll probably want to ignore letter case and certain punctuation marks while still preserving both:

my @compare= Filter {tr/A-Z'.,"()/a-z/d} @names;
my @indices= sort {$compare[$a] cmp $compare[$b]} 0..$#names;
@names= @names[@indices];

You can also roll your own simple HTML templating:

print Filter {
}   $cgi->...,

Note that it also also works correctly if you change how you output your HTML and accidentally switch from list to scalar context:

my $html= '';
$html .= Filter {


A reasonable use of map is:

@copy= map {lc} @list;

which sets @copy to be a copy of @list but with all of the elements converted to lower case. But it is too easy to think that that could also be done like this:

@copy= map {tr/A-Z/a-z/} @list;  # 間違い

The reason why these aren't the same is similar to why we write:

$str= lc $str;


lc $str;  # Useless use of 'lc' in void context

and we write:

$str =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;


$new= ( $old =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ );  # 間違い

That is, many things (such as lc) return a modified copy of what they are given, but a few things (such as tr///, s///, chop, and chomp) modify what they are given I. This distinction is so common that we have several ways of switching between the two forms. For example:

$two= $one + $other;
  # vs.
$one += $other;


$two= substr($one,0,4);
  # vs.
substr($one,4)= '';

I've even heard talk of adding some syntax to Perl to allow you to make things like C become reflexive, similar to how += is the reflexive form of +. But while many non-reflexive Perl operations have reflexive counterparts, there are a few reflexive Perl operations that don't really have non-reflexive counterparts: s///, tr///, chop, chomp. You can write:

my $line= ;
chomp( $line );
  # or
chomp( my $line=  );

but it somehow seems more natural to write:

my $line= chomp(  );  # 間違い

So, if you dislike hiding the variable declaration inside of a function call or dislike using two lines and repeating the variable name, then you can now use:

my $line= Filter {chomp} ''.;

[ I used C<''.> to provide a scalar context so that only one line is read from STDIN. ] Or, for a better example, consider these valid alternatives:

my @lines= ;
chomp( @lines );
  # または
chomp( my @lines=  );

And what you might expect to work (but doesn't):

my @lines= chomp(  );  # 間違い

And what you can now use instead:

my @lines= Filter {chomp} ;

Here are some examples of ways to use map/grep correctly to get Filter's functionality:

Filter { CODE } @list
  # vs
join "", map { local($_)= $_; CODE; $_ } @list
  # vs
join "", grep { CODE; 1 } @{ [@list] }

Not horribly complex, but enough that it is very easy to forget part of the solution, making for easy mistakes. I see mistakes related to this quite frequently and have made such mistakes myself several times. Some (including me) would even consider the last form above to be an abuse (or misuse) of C. You can also use C/C to get the same results as Filter:

my @copy= Filter { CODE } @list;
  # vs
STATEMENT  foreach  my @copy= @list;
  # or
my @copy= @list;
foreach(  @copy  ) {


=over 4 =item MapCar(\&@) =item MapCarU(\&@) =item MapCarE(\&@) =item MapCarMin(\&@) =back


=head3 Usage The MapCar* functions are all like C except they each loop over more than one list at the same time. [ The name "mapcar" comes from LISP. As I understand it, 'car' comes from the acronym for a register of the processor where LISP was first developed, one of two registers used to implement lists in LISP. I only mention this so you won't waste too much time trying to figure out what "mapcar" is supposed to mean. ] The MapCar* functions all have prototype specifications of (\&@). This means that they demand that the first argument that you pass be a CODE reference. After that you should pass zero or more array references. Your subroutine is called (in a list context) and is passed the first element of each of the arrays whose references you passed in (in the corresponding order). Any value(s) returned by your subroutine are pushed onto an array that will eventually be returned by MapCar*. Next your subroutine is called and is passed the B element of each of the arrays and any value(s) returned are pushed onto the results array. Then the process is repeated with the B elements. This continues until your subroutine has been passed all elements [except for some cases with MapCarMin()]. If the longest array whose reference you passed to MapCar() or MapCarU() contained $N elements, then your subroutine would get called $N times. Finally, the MapCar* function returns the accumulated list of values. If called in a scalar context, the MapCar* function returns a reference to an array containing these values. [ I feel that having C return a count when called in a scalar context is quite simply a mistake that was made when this feature was copied from C without properly considering the consequences. Although it does make for the impressive and very impractical golf solution of:


for adding up a list of natural numbers. q-: ]


=head3 Differences The different MapCar* functions are only different in how they deal with being pqssed arrays that are not all of the same size. If not all of your arrays are the same length, then MapCarU() will pass in C for any values corresponding to arrays that didn't have enough values. The "U" in "MapCarU" stands for "undef". In contrast, MapCar() will simply leave out values for short arrays (just like I left the "U" out of its name). MapCarE() will croak without ever calling your subroutine unless all of the arrays are the same length. It considers it an Error if your arrays are not of Equal length and so throws an Exception. Finally, MapCarMin() only calls your subroutine as many times as there are elements in the B array. In other words,

MapCarU \&MySub, [1,undef,3], [4,5], [6,7,8]


( MySub( 1, 4, 6 ),
  MySub( undef, 5, 7 ),
  MySub( 3, undef, 8 ),


MapCar \&MySub, [1,undef,3], [4,5], [6,7,8]


( MySub( 1, 4, 6 ),
  MySub( undef, 5, 7 ),
  MySub( 3, 8 ),


MapCarMin \&MySub, [1,undef,3], [4,5], [6,7,8]


( MySub( 1, 4, 6 ),
  MySub( undef, 5, 7 ),


MapCarE \&MySub, [1,undef,3], [4,5], [6,7,8]

dies with

MapCarE: Arrays with different sizes (3 and 2)


=head3 Examples Transposing a two-dimensional matrix:

my @transposed= MapCarE {[@_]} @matrix;

or, using references to the matrices and allowing for different row lengths:

my $transposed= MapCarU {[@_]} @$matrix;

Formatting a date-time:

my $dateTime= join '', MapCarE {
   sprintf "%02d%s", pop()+pop(), pop()
} [ (localtime)[5,4,3,2,1,0] ],
  [ 1900, 1, (0)x4 ],
  [ '// ::' =~ /./g, '' ];

Same thing but not worrying about warnings for using undefined values:

my $dateTime= join '', MapCarU {
   sprintf "%02d%s", pop()+pop(), pop()
} [ (localtime)[5,4,3,2,1,0] ],
  [ 1900, 1 ],
  [ '// ::' =~ /./g ];

Combine with C to do matrix multiplication:

my @X= (
   [  1,  3 ],
   [  4, -1 ],
   [ -2,  2 ],
my @Y= (
   [ -6,  2, 5, -3 ],
   [  4, -1, 3,  1 ],

my @prod= map {
   my $row= $_;
   map {
      my $sum= 0;
      $sum += $_   for  MapCarE {
         pop() * pop();
            } $row, $_;
         } MapCarE {\@_} @Y;
} @X;

Report the top winners:

MapCarMin {
   print pop(), " place goes to ", pop(), ".\n";
} [qw( First Second Third Fourth )],

Same thing (scalar context):

my $report= MapCarMin {
   pop(), " place goes to ", pop(), ".\n";
} [qw( First Second Third Fourth )],

Displaying a duration:

my $ran= time() - $^T;
my $desc= join ', ', reverse MapCar {
   my( $unit, $mult )= @_;
   my $part= $ran;
   if(  $mult  ) {
      $part %= $mult;
      $ran= int( $ran / $mult );

$unit .= 's'   if  1 != $part;
$part ? "$part $unit" : ();
} [ qw( sec min hour day week year ) ],
  [     60, 60, 24,   7,  52 ];
  $desc ||= '< 1 sec';
  print "Script ran for $desc.\n";


=over 4 =item NextPermute(\@) =item NextPermuteNum(\@) =back


=head3 Introduction If you have a list of values, then a "permutation" of that list is the same values but not (necessarily) in the same order. NextPermute() and NextPermuteNum() each provide very efficient ways of finding all of the (unique) permutations of a list (even if the list contains duplicate values).


Each time you pass an array to a NextPermute* routine, the elements of the array are shifted around to give you a new permutation. If the elements of the array are in reverse-sorted order, then the array is reversed (in-place, making it sorted) and a false value is returned. Otherwise a true value is returned. So, if you start out with a sorted array, then you can use that as your first permutation and then call NextPermute* to get the next permutation to use, until NextPermute* returns a false value (at which point your array has been returned to its original, sorted order). So you would use NextPermute() like this:

my @list= sort GetValuesSomehow();
do {
   DoSomethingWithPermutation( @list );
} while(  NextPermute( @list )  );

or, if your list only contains numbers, you could use NextPermuteNum() like this:

my @list= sort {$a<=>$b} GetNumbersSomehow();
do {
   DoSomethingWithPermutation( @list );
} while(  NextPermuteNum( @list )  );


The NextPermute* functions each have a prototype specifications of (\@). This means that they demand that you pass them a single array which they will receive a reference to. If you instead have a reference to an array, you'll need to use C<@{ }> when calling a NextPermute* routine:

} while(  NextPermute( @{$av} )  );

(or use one of several other techniques which I will leave the consideration of as an "exercise" for the more advanced readers of this manual). Note that this particular use of a function prototype is one that I am not completely comfortable with. I am tempted to remove the prototype and force you to create the reference yourself before/when calling thes functions:

} while(  NextPermute( \@list )  );   # 間違い

because =over 4 =item It makes it obvious to the reader of the code that a reference to the array is what is being used by the routine. This makes the reader more likely to realize/suspect that the array is being modified in-place. =item Many/most uses of Perl function prototypes are more trouble than they are worth. This makes using even the less problematic cases often not a good idea. =back However, I have decided to use a prototype here because: =item Several other functions from this module already use prototypes to good advantage, enough advantage that I'd hate to lose it. =item Removing the prototype would require the addition of argument-checking code that would get run each time a permutation is computed, somewhat slowing down what is currently quite fast. =item The compile-time checking provided by the prototype can save develop time over a run-time check by pointing out mistakes sooner. =back =head3 Features There are several features to NextPermute* that can be advantages over other methods of finding permutations. =over 4 =item Iterators - No huge memory requirements Some permutation generators return the full set of all permutations (as a huge list of lists). Your input list doesn't have to be very big at all for the resulting set to be too large to fit in your available memory. So the NextPermute* routines return each permutation, one at a time, so you can process them all (eventually) without the need for lots of memory. A programming object that gives you access to things one-at-a-time is called an "iterator". =item No context - Hardly any memory required The NextPermute* routines require no extra memory in the way of context or lists to keep track of while constructing the permutations. Each call to a NextPermute* routine shuffles the items in the list B, never making copies of more than a couple of values at a time (when it swaps them). [ This also means you don't have to bother with creating an object to do the iterating. ] =item Handles duplicate values Unlike most permutation generators you are likely to find in Perl, both NextPermute* routines correctly deal with lists containing duplicate values. The following example:

my @list= ( 3, 3, 3, 3 );
do {
   print "@list\n";
} while(  NextPermute( @list )  );

will only print the one line, "3 3 3 3\n", because NextPermute() quickly determines that there are no other unique permutations. Try out the demonstration program included in the "ex" subdirectory of the source distribution of this module:

> perl ex/Permute.plx tool

1: loot
2: loto
3: ltoo
4: olot
5: olto
6: oolt
7: ootl
8: otlo
9: otol
10: tloo
11: tolo
12: tool

Most permutation generators would have listed each of those twice (thinking that swapping an "o" with another "o" made a new permutation). Or consider:

> perl ex/Permute.plx noon

1: nnoo
2: nono
3: noon
4: onno
5: onon
6: oonn

Most permutation generators would have listed each of those B times. Note that using a hash to eliminate duplicates would require a hash table big enough to hold all of the (unique) permutations and so would defeat the purpose of iterating. NextPermute* does not use a hash to avoid duplicates. =item Generated in sorted order If you were to run code like:

my @list= sort GetValuesSomehow();
do {
   print join('',@lista, $/);
} while(  NextPermute( @list )  );

then the lines output would be sorted (assuming none of the values in @list contained newlines. This may be convenient in some corcumstances. That is, the permutations are generated in sorted order. The first permutations have the lowest values at the front of the list. As you iterate, larger values are shifted to be in front of smaller values, starting at the back of the list. So the value at the very front of the list will change the fewest times (once for each unique value in the list), while the value at the very end of the list changes between most iterations. =item Fast If you don't have to deal with duplicate values, then Algorithm::Permute provides some routines written in C (which makes them harder to install but about twice as fast to run as the NextPermute* routines) that you can use. Algorithm::Permute also includes some fun benchmarks comparing different Perl ways of finding permutations. I found NextPermute to be faster than any of the routines included in those benchmarks except for the ones written in C that I mentioned above. Though none of the benchmarked routines deal with duplicates.


Note that NextPermute() considers two values (say $x and $y) to be duplicates if (and only if) C<$x eq $y>. NextPermuteNum() considers $x and $y to be duplicates if C<$x == $y>. If you have a list of floating point numbers to permute, you might want to use NextPermute() [instead of NextPermuteNum()] as it is easy to end up with $x and $y that both display the same (say as "0.1") but are B not equal numerically. Thus $x and $y would I equal and it would be true that C<$x eq $y> but also true that C<$x != $y>. So NextPermute() would consider them to be duplicates but NextPermuteNum() would not. For example, $x could be slightly more than 1/10, likely about 0.1000000000000000056, while $y is slightly more at about 0.0999999999999999917 (both of which will be displayed as "0.1" by Perl and be considered C (on most platforms):

> perl -w -Mstrict

my $x= 0.1000000000000000056;
my $y= 0.0999999999999999917;
print "x=$x\ny=$y\n";
print "are eq\n"   if  $x eq $y;
print "are ==\n"   if  $x == $y;
print "are !=\n"   if  $x != $y;

are eq
are !=




for my $a (  0..$N  ) {
   for my $b (  $a+1..$N  ) {
      for my $c (  $b+1..$N  ) {
         Stuff( $a, $b, $c );

 しかしネストしているループの数を知りたいときにはどうする? 上のコードは以下のように置き換えることができる。

use Algorithm::Loops qw( NestedLoops );

my $depth= 3;
   [ [ 0..$N ],
     ( sub { [$_+1..$N] } ) x ($depth-1),

 以下と同じ結果を得るためには $depth を 4 に設定しなければならない。

for my $a (  0..$N  ) {
   for my $b (  $a+1..$N  ) {
      for my $c (  $b+1..$N  ) {
         for my $d (  $c+1..$N  ) {
            Stuff( $a, $b, $c, $d );


 NestedLoops() に対する最初の引数は必要で、配列への参照でなければならない。配列の各要素は繰り返しの各ループの値を特定する。最初の要素は最も外のループを記述し、最後の要素は最も内のループを記述する。
 NestedLoops に対する次の引数はハッシュ参照であれば、さらに進んだオプションを指定する。この引数は不要であれば無視してもかまわない。
 NestedLoops への最後の引数がコード参照であれば、シミュレーションされたループの内側を走る。このコード参照を渡さない場合は、 NestedLoops はコールバックを使う制限無しに繰り返すことが出来る(後述する)繰り返し演算子を返す。
 つまり、NestedLoops を呼び出す方法は以下の通りである。

$iter= NestedLoops( \@Loops );
$iter= NestedLoops( \@Loops, \%Opts );
...    NestedLoops( \@Loops, \%Opts, \&Code );
...    NestedLoops( \@Loops,         \&Code );

The "..."s above show that, when the final code reference is provided, NestedLoops can return a few different types of information. In a void context, NestedLoops simply iterates and calls the provided code, discarding any values it returns. (Calling NestedLoops in a void context without passing a final code reference is a fatal error.) In a list context, NestedLoops Ces the values returned by each call to \&Code onto an array and then returns (copies of the values from) that array. In a scalar contetx, NestedLoops keeps a running total of the number of values returned by each call to \&Code and then returns this total. The value is the same as if you had called NestedLoops in a list context and counted the number of values returned (except for using less memory). Note that \&Code is called in a list context no matter what context NestedLoops was called in (in the current implementation). In summary:

NestedLoops( \@loops, \%opts, \&code );
$count= NestedLoops( \@loops, \%opts, \&code );
@results= NestedLoops( \@loops, \%opts, \&code );

=head4 \@Loops Each element of @Loops can be =over 4 =item an array refernce which means the loop will iterate over the elements of that array, =item a code refernce to a subroutine that will return a reference to the array to loop over. =back You don't have to use a reference to a named array. You can, of course, construct a reference to an anonymous array using C<[...]>, as shown in most of the examples. You can also use any other type of expression that rerurns an array reference. =head4 \%Opts If %Opts is passed in, then it should only zero or more of the following keys. How NestedLoops interprets the values associated with each key are described below. =over 4 =item OnlyWhen => $Boolean =item OnlyWhen => \&Test Value must either be a Boolean value or a reference to a subroutine that will return a Boolean value. Specifying a true value is the same as specifying a routine that always returns a true value. Specifying a false value gives you the default behavior (as if you did not include the OnlyWhen key at all). If it is a code reference, then it is called each time a new item is selected by any of the loops. The list of selected items is passed in. The Boolean value returned says whether to use the list of selected values. That is, a true value causes either \&Code to be called (if specified) or the list to be returned by the iterator (if \&Code was not specified). If this key does not exist (or is specified with a false value), then a default subroutine is used, like:

sub { return @_ == @Loops }

That is, only complete lists are used (デフォルトでは). So:

my @list= NestedLoops(
   [ ( [ 1..3 ] ) x 3  ],
   { OnlyWhen => 0  },
   sub { "@_" },

is similar to:

my @list= qw/ 111 112 113 121 122 123 131 132 133 211 212 ... /;


my @list= NestedLoops(
   [  ( [ 1..3 ] ) x 3  ],
      {  OnlyWhen => 1  },
    sub { "@_" },

is similar to:

my @list= qw/ 1 11 111 112 113 12 121 122 123
             13 131 132 133 2 21 211 212 ... /;

Another example:

   [ ( [ 1..3 ] ) x 3  ],
   { OnlyWhen => 1 },

is similar to:

for my $a (  1..3  ) {
   Stuff( $a );
   for my $b (  1..3  ) {
      Stuff( $a, $b );
      for my $c (  1..3  ) {
         Stuff( $a, $b, $c );

Last example:

   [ ( [ 1..3 ] ) x 3  ],
      { OnlyWhen => \&Test },

is similar to:

for my $a (  1..3  ) {
   Stuff( $a )   if  Test( $a );
   for my $b (  1..3  ) {
      Stuff( $a, $b )   if  Test( $a, $b );
      for my $c (  1..3  ) {
         Stuff( $a, $b, $c )
         if  Test( $a, $b, $c );

=back =head4 \&Code The subroutine that gets called for each iteration. =head4 Iterator If you don't pass in a final code reference to NestedLoops, then NestedLoops will return an iterator to you (without having performed any iterations yet). The iterator is a code reference. Each time you call it, it returns the next list of selected values. Any arguments you pass in are ignored (at least in this release).


Finding non-repeating sequences of digits.


use Algorithm::Loops qw/ NestedLoops /;

$|= 1;
my $len= 3;
my $verbose= 1;
my $count= NestedLoops(
   [ ( [0..9] ) x $len  ],
   { OnlyWhen => sub {
     $len == @_
     &&  join('',@_) !~ /(.).*?\1/;
   #or &&  @_ == keys %{{@_,reverse@_}};
   sub {
      print "@_\n"   if  $verbose;
      return 1;
print "$count non-repeating $len-digit sequences.\n";

0 1 2
0 1 3
0 1 4
0 1 5
0 1 6
0 1 7
0 1 8
0 1 9
0 2 1
9 8 5
9 8 6
9 8 7
720 non-repeating 3-digit sequences.

But it would be nice to not waste time looping over, for 例えば (2,1,2,0,0) through (2,1,2,9,9). That is, don't even pick 2 as the third value if we already picked 2 as the first. A clever way to do that is to only iterate over lists where the digits I from left to right. That will give us all I of non-repeating digits and then we find all permutations of each:

use Algorithm::Loops qw/ NestedLoops NextPermute /;

$|= 1;
my $len= 3;
my $verbose= 1;
my $iter= NestedLoops(
   [ [0..9],
     ( sub { [$_+1..9] } ) x ($len-1),
my $count= 0;
my @list;
while(  @list= $iter->()  ) {
   do {
      print "@list\n"   if  $verbose;
   } while( NextPermute(@list) );
print "$count non-repeating $len-digit sequences.\n";

0 1 2
0 2 1
1 0 2
1 2 0
2 0 1
2 1 0
0 1 3
0 3 1
1 0 3
1 3 0
3 0 1
3 1 0
0 1 4
0 4 1
9 6 8
9 8 6
7 8 9
7 9 8
8 7 9
8 9 7
9 7 8
9 8 7
720 non-repeating 3-digit sequences.


use Algorithm::Loops qw/ NestedLoops /;

$|= 1;
my $len= 3;
my $verbose= 1;
my $count= NestedLoops(
   [ [0..9],
     ( sub {
       my %used;
       @used{@_}= (1) x @_;
       return [ grep !$used{$_}, 0..9 ];
     } ) x ($len-1),
   sub {
      print "@_\n"   if  $verbose;
      return 1;
print "$count non-repeating $len-digit sequences.\n";

0 1 2
0 1 3
0 1 4
0 1 5
0 1 6
0 1 7
0 1 8
0 1 9
0 2 1
0 2 3
9 7 8
9 8 0
9 8 1
9 8 2
9 8 3
9 8 4
9 8 5
9 8 6
9 8 7
720 non-repeating 3-digit sequences.


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Updated : 2009/01/26